A3.6: Identify your preferable job sector!

Implementation Steps

The mentor will provide the TCN(s) with a table and the TCN(s) have to fill it in with the training, education, and qualifications they have (Annex 3.6.4). After that, both the mentor and the TCN(s) will have a clear picture about the TCN(s) profile.

At the second stage, the mentor will provide the TCN(s) with another table that the TCN(s) have to fill in with their professional experiences (Annex 3.6.5). Through this exercise, the TCN(s) will describe to the mentor the likes and dislikes of their professional past. Also, what skills they have gained.

The mentor and the TCN(s) will match the previous Step 1 and Step 2 and they will come to a conclusion that will give to the TCN(s) the directions to the right job(s). The outcome from this step will be the preferable job sector(s) for the TCN(s) or a particular job(s).